‘The Last Crucible – Gathering Storm’
While ‘The Last Crucible – Seeds of Rage’ has only recently been released, author Darren N. Webster is already hard at work on the second book in the series: ‘The Last Crucible – Gathering Storm’.
After the death of Ernst, John Rhodes continues on his journey, alone. Without Ernst at his side, John is tutored by the enigmatic Raqel as he discovers more about his past, himself, and his inexplicable abilities.
John’s journey takes a dramatic turn when he surrenders himself to the Lord Marshal Vichy and is publicly put on trial by Supreme Chancellor Clayton Devereaux. The trial of John’s life culminates with a spectacular display of his full powers.
With his awakening reaching a crescendo, the mystery of who John’s father is and his connection to the infamous Deathstalker Legion becomes central to the journey.

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